The Vulcan Materials Company Foundation was established in 1988 to assist in carrying out our mission of being a good corporate citizen in the communities where we have facilities. Through the Company Foundation, we support and take an active part in many public and charitable projects.
Our objective is to help build stronger communities by working with area schools, supporting environmental education and encouraging employee involvement. Our activities include: adopt-a-school/partners in education program, funding scholarships, community event sponsorships, partnerships with land conservancies, and establishing/maintaining certified wildlife habitats.
Grantmaking Guidelines:
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The Mission Statement of Vulcan Materials Company states that Vulcan “will be a good corporate citizen in each community in which we operate. We will support and take an active part in public and charitable projects.”
Vulcan established the Vulcan Materials Company Foundation in 1988 to assist in carrying out that mission. Because contributions made by the Foundation are corporate-based business dollars, it is essential that they be made in a planned and consistent
manner that best serves the combined interests of Vulcan and the communities in which we operate.
Helping Build Stronger Communities
Geographic Funding Priorities
In addition to the corporate headquarters, located in Birmingham, Alabama, there are eight Construction Materials divisions. Further, Vulcan has 423* active aggregates facilities located in
22 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada, and Honduras, Mexico and the Bahamas. Regarding proposals submitted to the Foundation, first consideration will be given to those organizations that will benefit the communities where Vulcan
employees live and work. The Foundation’s giving program is decentralized to spread ownership of the program to a wider base. Because unit managers are directly involved with the communities where they do business, decentralization enables
the Foundation to be more informed about, and to better address, local needs. Proposals submitted to the Foundation should be sent directly to the charitable contributions officer in the appropriate geographical area. To obtain the appropriate
divisional contact or additional information, please contact
* Data from 2024 10k and Annual Report
Support Priorities
The Foundation supports many types of worthwhile organizations that enhance the quality of life in Vulcan’s communities. The Vulcan Materials Foundation focuses on three areas in particular:
Special consideration will be given to proposals that integrate two or more of these focus areas.
A major focus of the Foundation is to play a part in maintaining or improving the quality of life and standard of living through the support of education.
Elementary/Secondary Education
The Foundation will consider proposals that provide public education programs and projects that enhance the quality of learning for all students. The Foundation works to support efforts to improve
educational systems and individual schools in Vulcan’s communities by partnering with public schools located in its operating areas. Vulcan has adopted 230 schools in its communities through support from the Foundation. It is Vulcan’s
goal to increase the number of its school partnerships every year.
The Foundation is also interested in efforts to encourage young people to develop an interest in math, science and business. The Foundation, therefore, gives consideration to proposals designed to help maintain students’ curiosity and excitement about the world of math and science and to explore the world of industry and business. The Foundation is particularly interested in helping young people and their teachers understand the relevance of math and science to society, and supports efforts to link these subjects to their application in the workplace. The Foundation also will consider programs designed to educate our students about the vital role of business and industry in society.
Although all worthwhile proposals for elementary and secondary education projects are considered on an individual basis, the Foundation generally does not fund projects involving private schools.
Higher Education
Higher education will play an increasingly critical role in helping the economy effectively compete in the global market. The Foundation recognizes the invaluable contributions made by institutions of higher
learning in educating the nation’s future workforce.
The Foundation will consider proposals from those institutions located in states where the Company has facilities, particularly proposals that focus on science and engineering or improving public education. Although proposals for capital improvements will be considered, the Foundation prefers to fund projects that directly affect the outcome of the educational process, such as scholarships and science and technology programs.
The Foundation funds many types of educational programs, such as:
Environmental Stewardship
The Foundation supports the philosophy that economic development and environmental stewardship have common goals. Responsible economic growth provides the resources necessary to be a good steward of the environment, while this stewardship helps to sustain growth.
There are important links between industry, the environment and technological innovation. A society that is better informed about environmental issues will be able to participate more effectively in public policy debates. Grantmaking will focus on
organizations and programs that seek to develop an understanding of the connection between environmental stewardship and sustainable development.
The Foundation will consider supporting those environmental organizations
that adhere
to fact-based, balanced environmental principles.
Through partnerships with organizations such as the Wildlife Habitat Council, of which Vulcan was a founding member, Vulcan seeks to promote environmental stewardship in the communities where our employees live and work.
Vulcan employees actively participate in improving their communities by establishing and maintaining certified wildlife habitats on Vulcan property. During 2024, Vulcan operated 33 certified wildlife habitats at its facilities across the U.S.
The Foundation funds many types of programs to conserve the environment and to increase environmental education, such as:
Employee Involvement
Vulcan has a history of encouraging its employees to participate in volunteer activities in their communities. We recognize that our workforce offers a unique resource to provide leadership in the communities
where we operate. Thus, high priority will be given by the Foundation to proposals from those organizations in which company employees are actively involved, especially in our focus areas of education and environmental stewardship.
General Information
The Foundation awards grants to public charities and units of government, such as public schools and parks. A public charity is any Section 501(c)(3) charitable organization which also meets one of the three
Internal Revenue Code definitions: 509(a)(1), 509(a)(2) or 509(a)(3). The Foundation does not award grants to private foundations.
As a matter of policy, the Foundation does not fund individuals; organizations outside the United States; telephone or mass-mail appeals; political organizations; testimonial dinners; sectarian religious activities; organizations which have discriminatory practices; or athletic, labor, fraternal and veterans associations. The Foundation generally will not consider requests from organizations located in communities where Vulcan has no operations, offices or employees.
Please submit a letter setting forth the following:
Include with the letter the following:
The Foundation’s fiscal year is December 1 through November 30. Requests are considered throughout the year.
For submissions in the Birmingham, Alabama area, forward the letter with attachments to Carol Maxwell, Secretary/Treasurer, Vulcan Materials Company Foundation, P. O. Box 385014, Birmingham, Alabama, 35238-5014.
Requests from organizations located outside Birmingham, Alabama should be mailed to the appropriate regional Charitable Contributions Officer for consideration. Please contact for regional contact information.
Foundation Officers and Trustees
Contact Information
Vulcan Materials Company Foundation
P.O. Box 385014, Birmingham, AL 35238-5014